Welcome To SSD Alliance Blog

Welcome To SSD Alliance Blog and If hate this blog do Alt + F4 Thank You

SSD Alliance Member

SSD Mawi [Game and RC Drifter and SSD Leader]
SSD Yazzy [Games and RC Drifter and Game Drift Handling Editor]
SSD Ajish [RC and Game Drifter]
SSD Roosyid [RC and Game Drifter]
SSD Ferrari [Game Drifter]
SSD Jool [Sponsor and Game Drifter]
SSD Nazri [RC Drifter]
SSD Berke [Game Drifter]
SSD DriftKings [Game Drifter And Moder]
SSD Metalhead [Game Drifter]
SSD Kelvin [Game Drifter]

SSD Alliance Frienster

Add our FriendSter SSDAlliance@hotmail.com

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

New Member

Here we go S.S.D have new member ig his name is Kelvin.SO Kelvin Welcome To S.S.D Aliance

S.S.D Email

Okay guys so you guys know that S.S.D has the email s.s.d_name@hotmail.com that make by Mawi Mojo.Okay now on topic if you guys havent got the email s.s.d_name@hotmail.com add Mawi Mojo email s.s.d_mawi@hotmail.com and talk to him and ask him to make 1 for you.Okay that all cya guys

Thursday, 4 December 2008

GHL 30/11 R/C Drifting Competition

Lobo Final A Winner
Yazzy First Runner Up Final B

Mawi number 7th Final B


S.S.D Alliance and Bulatz talking (secret)

Final A Drifter

Atoy and JoeBear a.k.a Pilah

Brunei Drifter

S.S.D Mawi's Eclipse MODS By S.S.D Drift King

The Back With S.S.D Plate

The Front With S.S.D Plate

The Interior

The Engine

See Below Post For The Real One
Special Thanx To S.S.D DriftKing
Thanx For Watching.Wanna command?Command at the CBox