Welcome To SSD Alliance Blog

Welcome To SSD Alliance Blog and If hate this blog do Alt + F4 Thank You

SSD Alliance Member

SSD Mawi [Game and RC Drifter and SSD Leader]
SSD Yazzy [Games and RC Drifter and Game Drift Handling Editor]
SSD Ajish [RC and Game Drifter]
SSD Roosyid [RC and Game Drifter]
SSD Ferrari [Game Drifter]
SSD Jool [Sponsor and Game Drifter]
SSD Nazri [RC Drifter]
SSD Berke [Game Drifter]
SSD DriftKings [Game Drifter And Moder]
SSD Metalhead [Game Drifter]
SSD Kelvin [Game Drifter]

SSD Alliance Frienster

Add our FriendSter SSDAlliance@hotmail.com

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Team S.S.D RedSunZ(no more)

S.S.D Alliance new memeber

Now S.S.D Alliance has 4 member Mawi,Yazzy,Chum Pon N our new memeber Ajish




S.S.D Alliance(OLD)

Blue RX-7 = Chum Pon

Silver S15 = Yazzy

White S15 = Mawi

Saturday, 27 September 2008

S.S.D Alliance

Ajish's Ae86

Yazzy's Apexi RX-7
Chum Pon's Chaser/Soarer

Mawi's ER34

About S.S.D Alliance

hmm so every one asking about Team S.S.D RedSunZ it is our team at past with me,yazzy,aziz n roosyid.Since aziz n roosyid leave Team S.S.D RedSunZ so we have idea to make a team but we dont agree so we do alliance.S.S.D Alliance member is Me[Mawi],Yazzy and Chum Pon[Syazwan] Alliance is working together like team but not a team.